Category Archives: LANAP

LANAP Treatment: A Revolutionary Approach to Gum Disease

Oral health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and gum disease remains a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Traditionally, treating gum disease involved invasive procedures, causing discomfort and longer recovery times. However, with advancements in dentistry, a groundbreaking treatment called LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) has emerged as a more efficient, minimally […]

Laser Lip Depigmentation Dark Lip Treatment

Laser Lip Depigmentation Dentistry’s Precise Smile Enhancement Dentistry has introduced innovative procedures to improve our smiles, including laser lip depigmentation dark lip treatment. This technique targets lip pigmentation issues, providing a more vibrant and balanced smile. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of laser lip depigmentation performed by dentists, its benefits, and potential […]

Laser Dentistry in NYC Helping Save Teeth

How Can LANAP Laser Treatment Save My Teeth? If someone told you that you can use a laser to save your teeth, you would probably laugh at them and think they have been watching too many science fiction movies. What if your doctor told you that it’s possible and that it is less painful then […]

Dr. Lezhansky Discusses Patient Comfort with LANAP

Does LANAP Improve Patient Comfort? Dr. Lezhansky Discusses Patient Comfort with LANAP Dentist in Manhattan and Brooklyn provides Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) for patients—no scalpel and no stiches. From a patient comfort point of view, the experience of having the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) is better than traditional periodontal surgery because […]

Healthy Gums are Not Affected by Laser Dentistry

Does LANAP Affect Healthy Gums? Dr. Alexander Lezhansky uses laser dentistry for removal of bacteria and infected tissue while comfortably preserving healthy gum tissue. Modern periodontal treatment includes the Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, or LANAP, to treat gum disease very effectively. This procedure replaces the previous osseous surgery where the surgeon would cut into […]

Dr. Alexander Lezhansky DDS Explains the LAPIP

Dr. Alexander Lezhansky DDS Explains the LAPIP Peri-implantitis is caused by bacteria and can be treated with Laser-Assisted Peri-Implantitis Procedure (LAPIP) without the need to remove the dental implant. Just as bacteria can cause periodontal disease, it can cause an infection and bone loss around a dental implant, which is one reason why good oral […]

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